Socially responsible international projects

The psychological values incorporated in all projects are: unfolding the HeartSelf–Intelligence, consciousness of joy, empowerment leading to increased self-esteem and self reliance in cooperation with the environment, community, earth and humanity as a whole.

Lagu Damai Foundation, Bali Indonesia
– Community projects
– Sponsoring local Balinese youths for high school and university
– Eight-year project in four youth detention centers in Bali and Java, training youths and staff using an
  empowering approach
– Planning and implementing  a shelter for youths in Java after their release (in cooperation with Dept. of
  Psychology Ubaya University and KNH Germany)

Jiwa Damai – Hands-on Agro-Permaculture-Center, Bali Indonesia
– Environmental impact reduction and stewardship
– Growing organic foods
– Waste management and recycling
– Re-forestation projects
– Water management

Jiwa Damai – Retreat and Seminar Center, Bali Indonesia
– Seminars and workshops for individuals and groups wanting to effect change
– Peace Initiating seminars
– Empowerment and social outreach
– Prevention of collective violence seminars
– Meditation and yoga seminars

Socially responsible business
– Producing Bali Extra Virgin Coconut Oil from our coconut grove, using all by-products
– Producing honey from local bees

International activities
– Hosting of international guests
– Availability of internships with supervision and project development
– Openings for volunteers from all over the world
– Healing a Collective in Bakuriani, Georgia
– Can Collective Violence be prevented?

Please support our international projects:
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